Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vitamin A 101

Recommended Dietary Allowance
Men: 900 micro-grams                               Women: 700 micro-grams

Vitamin A (also known as carotene) are a group of fat soluble nutritional organic compounds, which include: retinol, retinal, retinoic acid and beta-carotene. Vitamin A has several important functions which include: formation of teeth and bones, enhancing immunity, repairing epithelial tissue (skin, hair, mucous membranes). Vitamin A is key in preventing night blindness, as well as overall eye health. A deficiency in vitamin A can cause dry hair and/or skin, poor growth (esp. in children), and night blindness, The best sources of vitamin A are animal livers, green leafy vegetables, yellow or orange fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fortified oatmeal, and fish liver oils.

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