Monday, October 20, 2014

Vitamin B-Complex 101

The B Vitamins are a class of  8 water-soluble vitamins that assist in maintaining healthy functioning nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver, and mouth; also they are important to a healthy muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and proper brain function. The B-complex vitamins act as co-enzymes. They help enzymes react chemically with other substances and are involved in energy production (cell metabolism). All 8 B vitamins (b-complex) should be taken together, because they all work together as a unit. Because of this, often times if there is a deficiency in one b vitamin there is a deficiency in another as well. Good sources of the b vitamins are whole unprocessed foods, processed carbohydrates and white flour tend to have lower concentrations of the b vitamins. The best sources of the b vitamins are: legumes, whole grains, bananas, potatoes as well as chili peppers.

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